Meet the Pixels: Episode Ten

Hello everyone! Spring is almost over and while you prepare for summer, here’s a new “Meet the Pixels” episode! Powered by Pixel Bowl Studio, this episode highlights Valentina, our amazing Team Lead or as we call her, our own Captain Marvel.

Superhuman resistance to stress, stamina for long projects, agility with bug reports, and can fly faster than the speed of sound through documentation. She has a “Seventh Sense,” which allows her to predict future danger and project risks. Under her armor, Valentina is one of the most sensible person we have met, always ready to put a bad day behind her to help her friends and colleagues.

She has no time for hobbies but as any superhero at the end of the day she likes to relax, take some stunning sunset pictures and do some virtual shopping.

Just like Captain Marvel, Valentina can light up a room with her smile and positive energy. Did we mentioned she is awesome? She is really awesome! Stay hydrated!